PeopleUknow is a start-up based in Trondheim. We are developing a digital learning arena for social skills in the classroom. We are social entrepreneurs aiming to solve an important and persistent social issue about the psychological health of children and young people – in everyday life and at school.Our goal is that the schools should be able to carry out continuous training of the children’s emotional and social skills while building a healthy and positive classroom every day.
Team Members

Marianne Johnsen
Marianne has more than 20 years of experience from working with Design, Communication and Marketing. 16 years ago she started and is still running her first company, an advertising agency Byrå Tusj that is sponsoring PeopleUknow with premises and workshop expenses. Marianne is also educated as a Playmaker, facilitating big and small workshops and events. Her Design Thinking grew with her education as a fashion designer and she went back to teaching for one year before the urge to create took her back in business. She has studied coaching and loves to find new solutions through collaboration between team members and other contributors.

Evelina Bruno
MSC & PhD in Architecture. “Ikke helt A4” architect with a recent crush on UX. Natural researcher, interdisciplinary minded, multidimensional designer. Maker soul and fearless of tech. The combination of curiosity, creativity and passion are characteristics of her unique contribution to the teamwork. Lived and travelled back and forth in 5 countries. Eager to communicate – speaks 4 languages. She has 13 years experience as mother with a deep commitment in the improvement of school’s psychosocial environment. She tends to fly high when “playing” with words and Marianne sometimes have to guide her back to the earth.
Advisory Board

Henrik Syse
Henrik works especially with ethics and the relationship between theory and practice. He divides his time between research at the International Peace Research Institute, teaching at Bjørknes College, writing books and giving lectures here and there.