PeopleUknow is looking for schools to participate in the pilot!
PeopleUknow is developing a digital toolkit with practical exercises to improve social skills in the classroom. We are looking for schools that want to put the social skill on the agenda and work together with us in a pilot.
Being a part of the pilot will give your school a unique opportunity to work on a new approach to long-term issues that are still not resolved in today’s school. By trying out our solution and at the same time sharing your school’s needs, challenges and experiences, you will contribute to the development of a concept that in the long term can be of great importance to the well-being and personal development for very many students, both locally, nationally and internationally.
Here and now, at your school, we can create a school environment that is safe and health-promoting for all students and employees, no matter who they are and where they come from.
Loneliness, bullying and lack of motivation have been a problem in schools for decades. Why is this more important now than ever to act on this?
First of all, because the Norwegian government has decided to fight bullying, introducing article 9a in The Norwegian Education Act, “Opplæringsloven” (. Here we find the clear demand that the school administration set in place strict measures to guarantee a safe and positive school environment.
Second, the Norwegian government has proposed three interdisciplinary topics in the curriculum crucial for the development of our future society: Democracy and Citizenship, Sustainable Development and Public Health and Life Mastering. All three interdisciplinary topics are interconnected, but LIFE MASTERING is the topic we want to emphasize in PeopleUknow and our goal is to integrate these topics with the daily teaching, together with competence goals and the continuous training of the important social skills.
Third, we need a plan for the future; where responsible human beings make the right decisions to create a society that is sustainable for people. The tense and chaotic political situation in the world proves that the most important competencies for the future are empathy, respect and conflict resolution and therefore we want to train the kids on a daily basis to achieve these important social skills.
The kids of today are the adults of tomorrow, so really – there is no time to lose.
you want to see
in the world’